How to Eat to Your Heart’s Content and Lose Weight

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Isn’t it odd that people get fat so often?

There is no other animal in the wild that gets fat.

Even humans in indigenous tribes never seem to be overweight.

If in nature every creature is perfectly healthy and trim, why do we suffer from obesity in our civilized world?

After all, hunger should regulate depending on how much energy and nutrients we need.

The problem with the modern food supply is that we eat too many calories and too little nutrition.

If we ate a balanced whole plant food diet, we would undereat on our calories and overeat on our antioxidants and phytonutrients.

What is a balanced diet exactly?

A balanced diet is usually considered a diet that includes all foods in moderation.

That sounds all well and good until we dive into the discussion about what is a human food.

A human food is not a food created by humans.

It is not oil, not sugar, not white flour, not soft drinks, not dairy even!

Nowhere in nature an olive squeezes itself into a bottle or a cow fills jars with her milk by herself.

Olives are just olives, sugar cane is just sugar can and the only time a cow gives milk is when she had her baby calf.

Humans created so many of the foods that we consider ‘normal’ when they are artificial and fattening!

All processed foods, oils, sugars and all dairy are in fact never normal.

So a balanced diet is not about eating a bit of everything that we see on the supermarket shelves.

A balanced diet is about eating the foods that are normal for us as a species.

In a nutshell, eat whole plant foods

Whole plant foods are full of fiber, micronutrients and slowly digestible calories.

The fiber fills you up. Fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate. It fills up your stomach and you do not eat calories in excess.

The micronutrients keep your tissues clean and remove toxins. Toxins are mainly stored in fat tissues. You need to detoxify in order to get lean.

The natural, fiber-bound fats and complex carbohydrates are slow to digest and absorb. Each calorie you eat is released into the blood at a slightly different time to power you. That means no excess calories are left for your body to store.

Whole natural plant foods are the foods our ancestors ate

Where do we come from as a species?

We share 99.6% of our DNA with chimpanzees and 98% with gorillas.

And gorillas are the strongest large animal after elephants, so we should be proud!

Anyway, all monkeys eat predominantly plants with the exception of an insect here and there. 

And when you think about it, so are humans.

We have neither the teeth nor claws of a predator and for the most part of your history, we had little tools to milk cows or create oils and sugars.

The glass bottle is not an old invention!

So, the foods that are left for us to consume are the plants that our trim, lean and strong primate cousins thrive on.

How whole natural plant foods control our appetite

It’s simple – they contain fiber and nutrients.


Fiber is a form of indigestible carbohydrate that fills our stomachs without adding calories.

Think about the cellulose in celery or watermelon. 

When we remove the fiber, we remove the bulk in our food that our digestive tract is expecting.

We also remove the substance that we need to bind to cholesterol and toxins in order for us to detoxify.

And unexcreted toxins are usually stored as fat.


Micronutrients are particles in our food that we do not use for energy.

Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals…

They are so abundant in whole plant foods that if we eat enough calories, we eat more than enough of them.

That is why we never developed a taste for vitamins or minerals.

They were always in abundance in our food.

In modern processed foods, however, we have removed them.


Because micronutrients have no taste to us.

But we need them, so when we eat processed foods and we get so little nutrients, we feel we need to eat more.

And if we eat more processed foods, we never get the micronutrients we need.

It is a closed circle that we can only break by eating whole natural nutrient-rich plant foods.

Unnatural foods make us toxic and fat

Fat is the best place to store toxins safely.

If we are unable to detoxify our bodies properly, we have no other choice but to store the toxins.

How do we get toxic?

It is a simple balance: we either get more toxic or we get less toxic.

All food digestion produces toxins.

All of our cells produce toxic waste substances simply because we are living and burning the fuel that is our food.

Some foods, however, contain more than enough antioxidants and phytonutrients to counter the waste matter and unhealthy particles that we produce and eat.

Just like us, the plant is a living organism that also produces and is exposed to waste and toxins.

And plants, in order to live, produce detoxifying substances to protect themselves.

When we eat whole plants, we eat these protective antioxidants and phytochemicals that begin to protect us.

Because we are evolutionary plant eaters, we rely on a constant stream of plant nutrients to keep our tissues clean!

True predators eat the organs of their prey first, even the semi-digested gut contents to get these same antioxidants as well! What you consider to be filthy intestines is a delicacy to the true predator!

Only whole plant foods have the micronutrients we need

Sugar or oil or any processed, packaged food in the store has much of the detoxifying nutrition removed.

Meat has no fiber. The protective micronutrients that might have been in it are no longer there by the time we get it.

Dairy is not really suitable for humans, its growth fluid for baby calves. It makes a 70-pound calf into a 700-pound cow in a year!

It has a different protein and content, optimized for a growing bovine animal. Not a human, even a child.

Human children grow slower than calves and drinking milk interferes with their growth, increasing the risk of autoimmune disease.

In a nutshell, eat whole plants galore and lose the extra weight

It’s simple.

If it’s a plant and is not heavily processed (sugar or oil), eat it.

All the fiber and micronutrients will satiate you and the pounds will melt off.

Just try our recipes for a while and you will know what we are talking about!

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I’m Venny, I am a medical doctor and I believe great health stems from eating whole plant foods. Here you’ll find delicious (mostly) oil-free whole food, plant-based recipes and learn how food makes you healthy!

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