your first step to

Success on a Healthy Whole Food Plant-Based Diet

Remove the guesswork and build healthy habits:

Our Meal Plan Makes Learning Plant-Based Eating Easy + Practical

let’s put theory into practice

When we took the leap to change our diets, we knew exactly what we weren’t supposed to be eating. We also knew what we were supposed to. Sort of…

It’s one thing to know the theory and something completely different to put it into practice.

It took us years before we could stop being anxious about what we were going to eat the next day (or the next hour, even).

It all comes down to finding which recipes work for us, not some chef on the internet!

This is why we created this meal plan – to help you try a wide array of recipes in a structured way, without feeling overwhelmed or lost.

So that by the end of these 3 weeks, you know what works for you.

Learning by Doing Approach

We designed this meal plan so that you get to prepare a wide array of healthy meals in a structured way.

This way, you discover your favorite recipes and learn the skills you need to prepare them!

Easy, Simple Recipes

“The less ingredients, the better” is our mantra.

Our recipes call for few ingredients and most of them are quick and easy to prepare.

Only the Healthiest Recipes

We’ve included only the healthiest whole food, plant-based recipes without any processed ingredients or additives.

Build on What You Already Know

We try to use common everyday ingredients wherever possible.

You’ll rediscover the foods that you already know so that you don’t need to start from scratch.

Perfect for Busy Schedules

Thanks to smart meal prep sessions and making use of leftovers, you will be able to create healthy, tasty, and versatile meals that don’t take much time throughout the week.

All the Planning is Done for You

No need to worry about any planning!

We’ve taken care of everything, providing precise grocery shopping lists and expertly planned meals that all come together seamlessly.

Hey, we’re Venny and Andy.

We’ve been living on a whole food vegan diet for almost a decade and we know exactly how difficult it is to change your lifestyle but also how rewarding it is when you succeed.

Today, it might seem that we’re thriving on this lifestyle but it wasn’t always this way.

In the beginning, we struggled so much…

We didn’t know what to eat and it seemed that preparing food was our main job…

And in the end, after hours of cooking, we rarely felt satiated or satisfied.

Honestly, we thought we were going to starve.

Not to mention that eating out or socializing felt like a mission impossible…

Slowly, though, we found our way and we discovered that eating healthy doesn’t need to be difficult.

In fact, it isn’t, really.

It’s a process of finding what works for us, though.

In the beginning, we looked at what others we doing but it simply didn’t resonate with us. It seemed easy for them but somehow for us, it wasn’t…

Regaining our health

We stuck with it, though, and our health began to improve.

My husband Andy lost about 40 lbs, stopped taking his allergy medication, and his chronic bloating and diarrhea were no longer an issue.

My autoimmune hypothyroidism improved and I lowered my medication as well.

Not only that but eating vegan became easier and so enjoyable…

As we gained experience, we no longer felt the feat that there was nothing to eat.

We slowly went from a place of scarcity to a place of abundance.

Now, we feel confident that we can find something healthy to eat without much effort or planning.

Rediscovering our passion

Now, professionally, I’m a medical doctor and my husband Andy is a psychologist.

Having experienced the incredible health benefits, it just felt right for us to start helping others thrive on a healthy vegan diet as well.

And we learned that it’s not about telling people what to do but helping them discover what works for them, their lifestyle, and their preferences.

We poured our knowledge, expertise, and experience into creating the Nourish & Flourish Meal Plan so that learn how to eat healthy from the inside out.

a Learning-by-Doing Approach

Convenience: With a well-stocked pantry, you’ll always have the ingredients you need to prepare a quick and nutritious meal.

Cost savings: By having a variety of staple ingredients on hand, you can save money by buying in bulk and preparing meals at home instead of relying on expensive processed foods.

Nutritional balance: A well-stocked pantry can help ensure that you’re getting all the nutrients you need as a vegan.

Healthier eating: You’re less likely to rely on processed or unhealthy foods. Instead, you can choose whole, nutrient-dense foods that will nourish your body and keep you feeling satisfied.

Creativity: A well-stocked pantry can inspire creativity in the kitchen and create delicious meals that you might not have thought of otherwise.

Your complete guide to defeat the overwhelm and adopt a healthy plant-based lifestyle that fits your lifestyle by building habits that last.

This complete blueprint will teach you the process of adopting a plant-based diet that fits your unique situation, taste, and needs.

It’s about discovering what works for you and not trying to force somebody else’s life and preferences upon you.

We created our Six Phase Processes that will guide to discover your vegan lifestyle.

Phase 1:
Adopting an Abundance Mindset

The first step towards thriving as a vegan is escaping from the shackles of your habits! More often than not, we are limited by our beliefs as much as our environment.

The first part of our guide teaches you how to open your mind to all the possibilities you never thought existed with practical tips and strategies.

Phase 2:
Rediscovering the Plant-Based Foods Around You

We are surrounded by plant foods everywhere we go but so often we fail to see them.

We go to the supermarket and we walk past these foods as if they never existed because we are used to buying what we know. And the plant foods we do buy, we tend to use only in limited ways.

In this part of the guide, we teach you how to open your mind and discover all the plant foods that are around you and see all the possibilities you have right in front of you!

Phase 3:
Ditching Meat and Dairy First

You’ll begin your vegan journey by removing animal products from your diet.

Here, we teach you how to remove the easiest ones first and replace them with healthy plant foods. This way you will be steadily increasing the variety of plants you are consuming while gradually reducing the animal products you consume.

As you keep adding new healthy plant foods to your diet, you’ll build the skills and habits that allow you to go fully vegan so much easier.

Phase 4 & 5:
Reducing Processed Oils and Sugars

You probably know that one can be vegan and eat nothing but processed junk food!

Here, we teach you about what processed foods are and how to steadily wean yourself out of them.

Again, we start with the easiest and gradually progress to limiting your consumption of most processed plant foods, such as oil and sugar.

Phase 6:
Limiting The Artificial Chemicals

The last part of the guide is about limiting the artificial ingredients from your diet.

Man-made preservatives, colorants, petrochemicals and others disrupt our hormones and contribute to problems with immunity and obesity.

Here, we’ve described what these ingredients are and how to avoid them as much as you can.

If you get the Transitioning Blueprint Today, You’ll Receive These Free Bonuses as Well!

#1 How to Replace Meat and Dairy Guide

This comprehensive practical guide teaches you:

how to replace meat products with healthy whole food vegan foods

how to swap dairy and dairy products (incl. mayonnaise, ice-cream, yogurt, cheese, etc) with whole plant foods

30+ whole plant food meal ideas that don’t require fancy ingredients and can replace your favorite dishes

Worth $20, Yours Free

#2 The Healthy Vegan Restaurants Guide

Discover how to master eating out as a vegan by learning:

The 4 Rules of Eating Out that help you adopt the right mindset so that you can enjoy yourself

Our 8 strategies that allow you to always be prepared and find something healthy to eat even when it seems unlikely.

How to find vegan food in the most unlikely places, even fast-food joints

Learn in detail about the numerous vegan meal options in ethnic restaurants

Worth $20, Yours Free

#3 Hidden Non-Vegan Ingredients to Look Out For

This short guide helps you easily spot if there are ingredients of animal origin in the products you buy so that you can be sure that you are always consuming vegan food.

Worth $12, Yours Free

A study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in 2015 found that a gradual transition to a vegan diet was more effective in helping people maintain their new eating habits over the long-term.

Another study published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior in 2018 found that a slow transition to a vegan diet was associated with greater improvements in dietary quality and sustainability compared to an abrupt transition.

A study published in the journal Appetite in 2017 found that a slow transition to a vegan diet was associated with greater satisfaction with the diet and lower levels of distress compared to an abrupt transition.

you want to build healthy habits and go fully vegan for good

you struggle to follow a healthy diet long-term

you want to consume less processed and artificial foods like sugar or oil.

you are looking for a step by step guidance to overcoming the challenges of eating vegan

you want to feel confident in your ability to eat healthy in any situation

you want to feel empowered and in control of your health and well-being

you want to be more resourceful and prepare vegan meals with common ingredients

you want to build healthy habits and go fully vegan for good

you struggle to follow a healthy diet long-term

you want to consume less processed and artificial foods like sugar or oil.

you are looking for a step by step guidance to overcoming the challenges of eating vegan

you want to feel confident in your ability to eat healthy in any situation

you want to feel empowered and in control of your health and well-being

you want to be more resourceful and prepare vegan meals with common ingredients

Get the Vegan Transitioning Blueprint Today!

normally $85

just $42

The Vegan Transitioning Blueprint includes:

The Main Transitioning Guide to a Whole Plant Foods Diet

$50 Value, Included

How to Replace Meat and Dairy Guide

$20 Value, Yours Free

The Healthy Vegan Restaurants Guide

$20 Value, Yours Free

Hidden Non-Vegan Ingredients to Look Out For Guide

$12 Value, Yours Free

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Real World, Practical Advice

We value your time and we wanted to make this guide as concise and straight to the point as we could. It contains everything you need to know without any additional fluff!

Created by a Medical Doctor and a Psychologist

Changing your diet starts with knowing the right foods to eat as well as adopting the right mindset. We designed the Transitioning Blueprint so that it covers all basis and guides you through the process.

Our Satisfaction Guarantee

Your success on your plant-based journey is the most important thing to us!
This is why we put tremendous effort into making this guide and we believe wholeheartedly that it’s going to make a difference in your life.
If you are unsatisfied for some reason, we’ll make sure to answer any additional questions you might have or give you a full refund within the first 30 days of your purchase!

Mobile and Desktop Friendly

We know that you want to be able to read your guide on your mobile phone, desktop computer, or even print it out.
This is why we created it in two separate versions – one for mobile and one for your larger screens.

Instant Download and Free Updates

We are constantly learning and we are committed to sharing everything we know with you. This is why we keep updating our eBooks and give you lifetime access to all subsequent versions of them.

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You can email us directly at hello [at] wellnessdove [dot] com. We try to answer all emails within one business day. You can also use the contact button at the bottom right-hand corner of this page.

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